Rupert, Carla & the General

User: PaulWhite
Rupert, Carla & the General

Rupert DeVille is happy.

This evening Rupert has planned to surprise his girlfriend, Carla by proposing to her over a romantic meal.

When Rupert is on his way to work that morning he is snatched off the street by two men in a white van.

Live with Rupert during his abduction, learn about his dysfunctional parents, his fears, his dreams for the future and his love for Carla.

Meanwhile, at home, Carla learns that Rupert is missing.

Carla starts a frantic search to find Rupert and enlists the help of Rupert's employer, George, who is just about to retire.

As Carla searches for Rupert we find out about her Fathers sudden death, her Mothers depression and Carla's own wayward past.

Rupert, Carla & the General is a thrilling suspense romance written with a touch of wit and humour that will keep you turning page after page.

Paul White has the rare ability to bring characters to life, making them real people with feelings, worries and inner doubts, just like you and I.

Paul White has masterly crafted Rupert, Carla & the General into a work that leads the reader astray, down the dark alleyways of the past, before bringing them back into the glaring light of the present.

Paul manages to do all this while weaving a mixture of laugh-out-loud humour and offbeat wit into the story.

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