
User: goffer23
A storm is ravaging a quiet country meadow. For the two freezing, terrified girls running though it, however,the storm is the least of their problems.

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My Free Kindle: The Talisman by Stephen King Download or read online for free The Talisman by Stephen King On a brisk autumn day, a twelve-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading ocean resort called the Alhambra. The past has driven Jack Sawyer here: his father is gone, his mother is dying, and the world no longer makes sense. But for Jack everything is about to change. For he has been chosen to make a journey back across America--and into another realm.
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An exciting story with good tension and buildup. Loved the description - I could feel the cold air and urged them on to the Petersons. Good story :)

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Deleted User

You paint a vivid picture of the snow-covered hills that this story is set in. Good job.

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Deleted User

The tension builds expertly and the descriptions put me right in the story as if I were a bystander watching the chase. Congratulations on the win, well deserved.

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I'm not sure what else to say but Wow!!! Oh and I'm hitting this with a vote. Great job.

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Why haven't I read this before? There are so many well written entries here....and this is one of them. A real contender.

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J.C. Laird

I almost forgot. I have to come up with a better system for keeping track of my reading and voting.

Repeating--nicely done

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Patrick S.,

I love the book cover. You have written an edge of your seat sad thriller with a very unexpected surprise within. I wish you the best in the contest. Voted.

Excellent writing!

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