The Facts of Life and The Dancer

The Facts of Life and The Dancer
Time goes on its merry way after Inky rearranges Jimmy's and Skip's faces. Skip still has two black eyes...Jimmy is missing a tooth.
Then suddenly...

Pop decides the time has come when young, innocent Skip needs to hear the facts of life, and so begins a difficult speech by good old Pop.

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Laz, Robynn, and Rebecca:)
A note: I suspect Skip and Carol are fated to meet again:)

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I was so disappointed when he arrived late and Carol was already gone. I remember what it was like to try and convince my mom that I was late for something important... it never worked, so I can understand why Skip didn't even bother mentioning it!

On to the next!

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Review - I'm still chuckling. Just gets better. Loved the 'blood from the ankles to his face' line. I do think you chickened out and let Lawrence Welk cover for you on the birds and bees explanation! I was looking forward to how, in your ineffable humor, you would handle that little talk. You captured well his reaction to Carol. This is going to make one heck of a book when you get all these linked together! Excellent job Robynn

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