
What Really Happened By:
The true story of how the Brothers Grim created this tale!

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Oh, my goodness! That was hilarious! I absolutely love your take on this fairy tale! For one thing, it makes way more sense than the children's version, and for another, the ending had me bellowing with laughter. Hope you do more like this! Oh, and here's my vote!


Glad you like it! I'll see what else I can do. I have a few ideas floating around... ;)

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Odd, when I came back on today, this site would not recognize me so I had to signup again. I used the same email address too. Oh well. sigh. :)

Important Post

No apologies needed. It was a reaction you were trying to evoke by bringing in your reader, and this really did bring me in. As you can tell from my first posting, I was put off by this vain guy that I accused of "only wanting one thing." And I was right, that is what you were trying to show.

Just because I am an older woman and am sensitive of my aging appearances which has only been imposed on me by society, or years,... Show more

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I love control and + as it enlarges the screen for me so I can read anything! It's an old trick experienced computer geeks use, but a good one. I noticed there was a download button for a reader from this site as well. I didn't bother as I like the control + option fine.

As for the book, I found the story to be somewhat funny and a little crude. However, I did like the idea and liked the various descriptions used such as the... Show more

1 Comment

My sincere apologies. It was not my intent to offend. I was trying to portray the male as ultra vain (his attempts to seduce the "lonely princess") and was trying to write from his viewpoint. I'll be more careful in the future. Thanks for your feedback! :)

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