"Obama": The Call of a Nation

"Obama": The Call of a Nation
This descriptive passage won first place in the BookRix "Battle of the Words" contest in September 2009. The theme for the contest was "Obama", and all writing formats were allowed.

It was written prior to when "Obama Care" was passed into law, and explored different sides of the healthcare reform debate from different perspectives. The author attempted to be as unbiased as possible in presenting the different opinions.

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Well done - through the various viewpoints of the characters we get why fear still drives our decisions in setting the debate on health care. Will we join the community of nations who know a healthy nation is strong, compassionate and caring. We can not settle for less - a public option is key!

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I noticed that I gave the 'wrong opinion' of this book. For that I apologize.
BUT- This book was inspiring, and so true.
Where this country goes on the health care issue, I don't know.
It seems the adminstration and congress have no idea what they are doing, or where they are going.

If 2000+ pages of the 'latest' billdo anything, what will. Also, How many 'earmarks' are tacked on to this bill?

I have one thing to my advantage, I... Show more

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I enjoyed how the vivid and powerful descriptions weaved together a blanket of real human conditions and various stages of illnesses that tied together flawlessly at the end. The "buzzing" seemed to accumulate and mass upon his subconcious until he answered the call. I wonder what he'll say...

Great job!

God Bless,


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Hi Mark and Susanna,

Thank you both so much for the nice comments and for adding my story to your favorites! :)

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This was a great multi-dimensional view of the state of the health care debate in the US. I liked how you showed the sick patients' views, the doctors money issues and the pharmaceutical industry representative. Your detailed vocabulary is superb!

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Hi Robin,
I'm really glad to hear that! I wanted to present the healthcare debate in as unbiased a way as possible, because it really is a very complex issue. I do have my own strong preferences...there are hints of this here and there, though. ;)

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...(I found it hidden away in a drawer).
I felt this was very well thought-out, and presented in a way that left me guessing which way is right (or left?)...

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A well written, deep piece which I hope led to others seeing the importance of our health plan covering our needs. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good job!!! =-)

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Thank you all for your comments! Jene and James: I really enjoyed your stories and thought they were well-written, so I appreciate the positive comments. Jesse37215: I'm not quite sure how the healthcare debate is weird, but I appreciate your feedback.

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