Faith Inspiration Chivalry

Stories from on and off the soccer pitch By:
User: nicholas
Faith Inspiration Chivalry

Football fills the enormous vacuum that organised religion leaves. And so the latter day high priests troop to the modern day temple; the soccer stadium. Lo and behold, the eager congregants are waiting for inspiration and encouragement. Will the priests disappoint?

In this short, compelling book, Nicholas Ojwang paints a picture of how modern soccer stars – and even managers – with all the influence they wield, are confronted by the issues of faith, ethics and honour as they go about their business. In simple yet eloquent style and using real life stories, Ojwang shines the spotlight on the pious soccer star going down on his knees at the centre circle. Woe unto him if his conduct on the pitch is at odds with his behaviour off it!

This brief narrative is sure to enhance debate on the place of faith, values, ethics and on the small matter of fair play in soccer.

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

and in many other eBook-stores

soccer, football, inspiration, faith
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