Kryptonite Immunity

Kryptonite Immunity
This little essay, originally written before my youngest was born, is true.

I was astonished that it also met the parameters of the contest.

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Yes, I like Yezall too - regardless of age... and mentoring's a nice hobby.

Drop a heart here and we'll call it even.

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And, of course, I asked before I entered.

Too bad you didn't like it enough... one more vote might've done it.

I tend to vote more for the work... and let the mods / authors figure out eligibility... but I'll keep that rationale in mind in future.

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These are actual musing from my "real" life.

My wife and I took JohnAngelo down to get his passport and, since there's only one clerk that can do that sort of thing in Lawrence, Kansas... it was a bit of a wait and, well, you've read the result.

It surprised me when I saw the list of "connectives" and remembered that each was in this essay. Then again, I'm surprised if I can remember what I had for breakfast.

Hey, wait a... Show more

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Deleted User

I loved it. Not constructive I know but I love the piece as it is. Good luck in the contest :)

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Deleted User

I love your wit, Barry. Pretty much everything you write has this hilarious witticisms thrown in here and there. This peice makes me want to know more about the person who wrote it... it's intriguing and smoothly written. Bravo!

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for a very enjoyable read.
You cleverly interwove the set of connectives, into your story.

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Every woman want 'her man' to be Superman or at the very least, Clark Kent because these characters hold one thing especially high. That would be integrity. Does your wife have this? I would think yes by your own words, "I'd end up being having lived through too much history and knowing how often good intentions have truly foul results."

Superman has officially taken to wearing his underwear under there...good... Show more

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