Effects of Radio-chemotherapy in Cancer Patients

Radio-chemotherapy By:
User: UNIS
Effects of Radio-chemotherapy in Cancer Patients

Cancer is an abnormal condition in which uncontrolled growth and proliferation of normal cells occur and the cells known as malignant cells.

Cancer-causing agents are of three types’ 1. Radiant energy 2.Chemical compounds and 3.Viruses. The whole research work was conducted to investigate the effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in cancer patients by complete blood picture, anthropometric and physiological measurement. Complete blood picture includes RBCs, Hb, MCV, MCHC, MCH, WBCs (Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Eosinophils, Monocytes, Basophils) and platelets. Anthropometric measurement includes age, height, and weight. Physiological measurement includes systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate measurement. Comparison between control and cancer patient samples shows that RBCs have no significant difference in their levels but some cancer which treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy may shows anemia. Hb comparison of control and shows difference in their levels. Hb decreases in cancer patients (due to diminished partial pressure of O2) but could be increases whit use of erythropoietin in cancer patients. An absolute indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) decrease in cancerous patients. Chemotherapic treatment shows a decrease in WBCs and platelets, it is also seen in leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia also observed. Weight and height also decreased in cancer patients. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure are increases in cancer patients, and the pulse rate is decreased in cancer patients.





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