alice in murderland

alice in murderland
Wonderland was destroyed along with Alice. Well, everyone thought she was. But they were wrong. Alice had never died, she was in hiding. And pretty soon everyone forgot about her. She grew angry about her fate and her anger was channeled into killing. No one would even know she existed if it weren't for the blood trail she left behind her and her name carved into trees she had passed. They created a special society to catch her until they head of the society went crazy and blew the building up. And pretty soon nearly everyone in wonderland grew insane and started killing to survive. Alice was soon caught and put to death a few years later. But then came another... then another... then another, until finally, there were none. Or... Were they? What will become of this world?

autumn is the new alice in town, yet she isnt like the others, this one is more gothic and more smart, even though autumn isnt innocent she would never kill anyone, what will these strange people think of Autumn? will she end up the same fate as the rest?

welcome to wonderland everyone....

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thanks for reading, and i know my grammars bad, im not very good with caps and full stops but i try and some words are probably wrong but oh well thats just me

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Hey I just started reading this and I really like it! You're good at writing and everything is flowing smoothly so far, well done! I think its great how you've managed to make the characters so cool and my fav so far is the hatter, there are a few little typeos and grammer mistakes but nothing bad, keep me updated!

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so you really think im a good writer.

thats the best thing ive heard for a while thanks ^-^

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i will finish this book sooner or later, if you want to read more chapters message me or add this as a fave or whatever you wanna do and i will message you when i have done some more chapters

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