The Truth

User: megan.a.
The Truth
Max gets seriously hurt while on her brothers watch. Yet they don't want to take her to the hospital. They say she will learn what she needs all in time, in time. But will she have enough time to find out? Will she discover her families secret before they explain to her. Will she hear the unbarring truth of her family?

wolf, truth, love, secrets
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A Quick Review

Nice story. Can't wait to read the rest :)

However, I do have a few critiques:

First off, the beginning starts real fast pace and I have to seek out bits and pieces of information about the characters and settings. This isn't all together bad, but make sure you let the reader know enough of what's going on that they don't get confused.

Now, a lot of the action you describe reads like a list. He did this, she did... Show more

1 Comment

Thanks, that helped me alot. I'll get too it when im not busy with my school crap either. :)

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Thank you, I know that there is some grammar errors. I plan on fixing them when im all done with the book.

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Man that's the most enticing book I ever read! You got some grammar and phonetic errors, but dang it was great.. I look forward to more.

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it's good so far. can't wait till you write more. and i have worked on my book. just not updated it yet. so deal with it. kk? lol

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it's good so far. can't wait till you write more. and i have worked on my book. just not updated it yet. so deal with it. kk? lol

Important Post

it's good so far. can't wait till you write more. and i have worked on my book. just not updated it yet. so deal with it. kk? lol

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