Freemasonry and Catholicism

Freemasonry and Catholicism

This book aims to educate and construct, to be charitable even to those with whom the author may disagree, and never to vent the venom of spite or malice even upon those who seem deliberately determined to mislead. I revere the Catholic religion and Freemasonry as both are divine in essence and were born to further the aspiration of the striving soul, each have hidden messages and a missions in the world not apparent upon the surface today. Humans have made the ceremonial in part to hide secret knowledge. This book seeks to reveal this knowledge and show the Cosmic purpose of these two Great Organizations, which have at times historically been bitterly antagonistic to each other. Without any aim to reconcile them, however, for though they are both designed to further the emancipation of the soul. Although their methods are different, and the attributes of the soul fostered by one method will indeed be very different from the qualities of the soul nurtured in the other. This book endeavors to show the cosmic root of both of these institutions, the purpose of each and the training which each inaugurates; also the nature of the soul quality which may be expected to result from each method. The author is neither a Freemason nor a Catholic, and thus is free to reveal what he knows without fear of violating any obligations or other reprecussions.

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