The Street Of Seven Stars

User: silviya
The Street Of Seven Stars
The Old Stucco House Sat Back In a Garden, Or What Must Once Have
Been A Garden, When That Part Of The Austrian City Had Been A
Royal Game Preserve. Tradition Had It That The Empress Maria
Theresa Had Used the Building as A Hunting-Lodge, And Undoubtedly
There Was Something royal In the Proportions Of The Salon. With
All The Candles Lighted in the Great Glass Chandelier, And No
Sidelights, So That The Broken Paneling was Mercifully Obscured
By Gloom, It Was Easy To Believe That The Great Empress Herself
Had Sat In one Of The Tall Old Chairs And Listened to Anecdotes
Of Questionable Character; Even, If Tradition May Be Believed,
Related not A Few Herself.

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