The Dream

User: bluemask
The Dream
One night, Emily has a romantic dream about a guy who she has despised ever since she met him. When she wakes up she finds that nothing has changed, he's still an arrogant jerk. But when his friend needs help and he asks Emily to help him, she finds out that there might actually be some truth behind the dream...

Romance, Dream, Reality
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i love it so far plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update more

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Deleted User

Please just update, am dieing out of curiosity.

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it's so romantic! Who raped Mia?
What does Jesse look like? What does Emily look like? Keep writing!

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Deleted User

Aww nice story!

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that was a nice story... it had a cute ending and it was just really sweet.

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Deleted User

GReAt bOok! maKE A 2Nd PArT!

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