Squashing force

User: marieta
Squashing force
''Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.''-Benjamin Franklin

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Excellent word play !

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Dear John, thank you for bestowing your kind words of appreciation upon my work.
Receiving a compliment from a poet like you is indeed a compliment in its full meaning! Thank you very much. Your words are wonderful! They have a great depth .
My deepest respects and love, Mary

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Hi Mari - Thank you for another lovely collection of poems - a symbiosis of your perfect mind - your lovely heart and your angelic spirit. THE PASSING OF TIME: "Time is perfect ........ Maybe this is why need to create perfect moments - and maybe this is why our time together is perfect". I believe that Mari - because I know you do. METAPHORICAL MEANING: "Using our unfolding wisdom and insightful enchantment - or living in... Show more

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