The First Day of Spring

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The First Day of Spring
(b. August 27, 1927)

Mari Wolf was a California SF fan and occasional author who was the first wife of SF author Rog Phillips (Roger Phillips Graham).

While she was married to Phillips, she ran a fan column (“Fandora’s Box”) for Imagination from April, 1951 to April, 1956. Her column was similar to her husband's column, “The Club House,” that appeared from 1948 to 1953 in Amazing and later in other SF magazines edited by Ray Palmer.

In "Fandora's Box," Wolf wrote about SF and SF fandom, reviewed and ranked fanzines, and interviewed authors.

She had a lifelong interest in mathematics and rocket science. She attended UCLA where she studied mathematics.

Several of Wolf's SF stories appeared in If, including the short novel Homo Inferior (November, 1953).

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