The Truth

A Poem By:
The Truth
Thanks Mom, For Fucking up my life...Abusing me, Drugging me, Hurting me...I really hope Cameron Forgives me for this.

The Truth
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Deleted User

Bronx, NY

Your version of history is fallacious. You should probably read the decided
Supreme Court case law that established an individual’s right to bear arms.
Besides, we’re talking too much about what isn’t the problem—guns. Doesn’t it
seem a little too easy to blame ‘Florida’ on guns when we all know that
shooter could have bombed that school like the Austin bomber, or kill a number
of other ways, but if you insist on make... Show more

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Deleted User

League City, Texas

Congress' time to ""wake up soon"" happened long ago. They didn't. They, in
fact, will be remembered by history as feckless and co-conspiratorial by their
complete lack of even comment during this time in the U.S.'s history.


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Thanks...I used to just scribble down in my notebooks. I'll put those upppp![: Everything I write comes from inside and It's great to get positive feedbackkkk

Important Post
Deleted User

Loved your poem, though it was scary. Write more poetry.
It's a good way to express yourself and scream without getting a sore throat.
It was very good. Write more.

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