On the Run

On the Run

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are back from the dead and On the Run in this story that is much more than just a couple of bandits from the 1930’s. Miss Bonnie Parker the second is the last living descendant of the notorious Bonnie Elizabeth Parker, she has led a rough life until she meets Barrette Green who is really seems to be Clyde Barrow’s reincarnation, he is a famed southern rock star who happens to play a mysterious twist in Bonnie’s new found freedom from her abusive step father. After a series of strange attacks on Barrette’s life which draw Bonnie into the mess, the two set off on a dangerous, yet life changing mission where they will soon learn many valuable life lessons. In the midst of chaos Bonnie and Barrette form a strong friendship between each other that will last for a long time to come. Won’t you join them on this alluring journey fighting evil henchmen and one dastardly villain?

drama, adventure, inspiration
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