keto bread

Low Carb Recipes for Ketogenic, Gluten Free and Paleo Diets Best Keto Loaves, Muffins, Cookies and Buns for Weight Loss By:
keto bread

Are you on keto diet and finding it difficult to give up carb? I have a good news for you. This book is a collection of low carb, high fat recipes that serves as substitute for the traditional high carbohydrates bread recipes. With this keto bread cookbook, you can eat lots of bread, cookies, buns and muffins without consuming so much carbohydrate.

For most people following keto diet, a major challenge they face is the restriction of eating sweet treats. Since keto is a low carb high fat diet. One thing I want you to note is being on keto diet does not mean deprivation of eating good food, you can be on keto and still enjoy all those bread and other treats you love.

The recipes in this book are Ideal food for high fat, low-calorie Ketogenic, and Paleo diets, also a good substitute for sugary treats. You will be able to eat healthy and delicious bread and other lovely treats and still maintain that perfect body and weight you desire without starving or depriving yourself of good foods. You can finally end your, food obsession and carb craving.


It’s a wonderful feeling knowing you can still eat sweet treats and stay healthy.

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