Health Work in the Public Schools

User: user12
Health Work in the Public Schools
Leonard Porter Ayres (September 15, 1879 – October 29, 1946) was an American educator, soldier, and statistician. He also held the rank of Brigadier General in the United States Army.Ayres was born at Niantic, Conn. He received his college and graduate training at Boston, Harvard, and Columbia universities.He began teaching in 1902 as one of the first to carry American ideas and methods to Puerto Rico. There he was appointed superintendent of schools in the districts of Caguas and San Juan, and later general superintendent of all the public schools on the island.

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People complaining it has no kick/drop - thats what every Shikari song does, basically. lol I think its cool they are making music that defies and plays with expectations. \n\nthe look on Rous face at 0.39 seconds :) lol its like oh, sounded like something familiar should have happened there :P.\n\nThey have always been about a changing and evolving sound. Its maybe not what we expected, but its still a tune!

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