For the Love of a Wolf

User: lean2000
For the Love of a Wolf
Callista had a normal life, that is, until a wolf saved her life, twice. Since then, her world has been thrown into chaos. Her parents were mysteriously murdered and she can't help but feel that she's next.
Sandulf is part of a family with a huge secret, they hunt rouge monsters, but that's only a small part of this secret. When the beautiful Callista moves in with this family, will she be able to see past her fears and embrace them as they are, will she run screaming for the hills?

Werewolf, monster, romance, action
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EAD ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... Show more

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