I Miss You

User: lazarus67
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Your poem is beautiful.Undoubtedly romance of female is clear as day light. How romantic she is! She is missing the feeling of dear one.

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Your poem is beautiful.Undoubtedly romance of female is clear as day light. How romantic she is! She is missing the feeling of dear one.

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This is a beautiful poem. I loved it, brought tears to my eyes. This is how a lot of feel I think:)

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Deleted User

This was absolutely magnificent. I wish that I could have said those words when I had the chance. Just perfect. And you're right, Laz. You're the lucky one.

Dammit. Now you got all misty-eyed! :) Great job man. Keep it up.

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If you can not understand this poem, just give yourself time and do Not rush it. This poem is a Life experience most all of us experience. Beautifully loving and sad. Written as Life and Love are. Thank You!!!

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