building castle in the air By:

In living today, friends do hurt. It goes to justify the saying that “not all that glitter is gold” which means that not all you see to be attractive really are what they claim to be. The worse thing you will do to a friend after he/she must have given you their trust is using and making them look like outcast. It is a complete impunity to betray a friend with whom you have walked the years in strait and in desert and, such has never turn his back on you even when others must have; when others fail, he’s not; walks with you through thorns and storms; good times and in temptations; ready to fall and rise with you.

Trust is the credit one never wins in a day. It is gain from amount of the activities that we are disposed. It takes time to build trust yet, it can be destroy in a second.

Faces of Betrayal, as the title suggests is a novel that has been carefully plan from a traditional society setting as each of the events unfolds itself as the series drift. With the characters, plots and places nicely put together to reflect present day occurrences, as if you are taken on a roller coaster ride over the sharp curves and deep inclines of the common human negative fault- Distrust, as a major problem of our age.

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