What He Didn't Tell Her

a secret revealed By:
User: dogirl226
What He Didn't Tell Her
When Camilla's Father, Andre, claims an island one hundred degrees north, fifty degrees south, thirty degrees west, and fourteen degrees east, she thinks her father is a just, fair man. But she's wrong. Andre's a wicked man… isn't he?

Pirates, Islands, Adventure, Fiction
Posts and Comments
Important Post

Oh! I wish you'd written more! You should write more! Sounds SO interesting!

I have a few critiques, however:

You should separate the paragraphs more so that they are defined and I suggest you make the paragraphs shorter(as in every four or five sentences) so that it's easier to follow the story. Also, put the dialogue into a new line every time the speaker changes. It gets confusing at times.

And at the beginning of the story,... Show more

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