
User: klenor
This is a MUST READ! I've given you just enough that you will surely inbox me wanting the rest! Where the story stops is just where it begins! Pride, prejudice and love can never exist in the room but it can between my book cover! Please read this story and give me your thoughts! This story takes place in an exclusive suburb. The daughter of two very wealthy parents, Sohona only knows the best of the best of everything. However, Sohona affectionately known as Honny, finds herself forced to grow up way too fast and the shock of an unbelievable rejection gives her the strength to pull through many tough situations along with the help of Ian, the love of her life. There is absolutely nothing Ian wouldn't do for Sahona, even literally put his life on the line. The test of time and circumstance forcefully and dramatically reveals just who Sohana and Ian really are and just how deep and real their love is, but unknowingly to them it's literally a life or death race against time that may have already run out.

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My Free Kindle: The Talisman by Stephen King Download or read online for free The Talisman by Stephen King On a brisk autumn day, a twelve-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading ocean resort called the Alhambra. The past has driven Jack Sawyer here: his father is gone, his mother is dying, and the world no longer makes sense. But for Jack everything is about to change. For he has been chosen to make a journey back across America--and into another realm.
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Nicely done.

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I cant believe her mama was so cold- it wasnt that deep but I will say that Heffah was fast..I wanted to whop her through the book

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Poor Ian,lol you did good connecting the dots to show his helped prepare you to understand his mindstate

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Thanks so much for taking time to review it! Let me know if/when I can return the favor.

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Thank you sylvia!!!! YOu must read the whole book.. This is truly just the beginning! Let me know if you'd like to finish it!

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