Back from the Abyss

The Autobiography of a Low-Bottom Alky By:
Back from the Abyss
In Back From the Abyss, Kieran Doherty takes the reader along on the wild ride that was his life. With a voice reminiscent of Pete Hamill’s in A Drinking Life and a childhood as tough as Frank McCourt’s in Angela’s Ashes, he tells his story, full of wit, bravado, and Irish charm. We watch him change from altar boy to rebel … then throw away a promising career in the theater. We follow him through his almost unbelievable adventures in the military … through four marriages and countless lovers … through the alcohol-fueled crimes that ultimately landed him in prison … and, finally, through the ugly reality of the cancer that killed him. Along the way, we get a feel for the internal pain, the constant struggle of the “low-bottom” alky to make it from one day to the next.

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Wait a minute.
Kieran Doherty "died at the age of 64..." I'm a bit baffled. Who actually published this excerpt?

But, the first pages. A) You can tell within the first paragraph that the man, living or dead, had a solid background in journalism. A clarity exists in the writing, and B) the narrative is gripping, inviting the reader to read the entire, probably depressing, "memoir". If the purpose of a first chapter, or first... Show more

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