Sealed In Lies

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Sealed In Lies
Jack Weaver can’t seem to escape a life of lies. First as a Seal, then as an undercover CIA operative working in the largest drug cartel in Columbia Jack’s entire existence is based on being someone other than who he truly is. While serving as Chief Security Officer to one of the most dangerous men on earth Jack uncovers a plot to assassinate the President-Elect on Inauguration Day. Suddenly things become infinitely worse when his ex-SEAL commander who is now a Deputy Director with the CIA shows up and blows his cover. Forced to kill him, Jack is now on the run not only for his life but he’s the only one who knows about the assassination attempt, other than a mysterious man who calls himself the Emperor and seems to be calling all the shots.

Moreover, Jack is being haunted by terrifying dreams from his past that seem to be connected to this entire conspiracy involving his old SEAL team. Desperate for answers Jack breaks into the home of Vice-President elect Warren Walters, another SEAL teammate, where he is discovered by Warren’s abused wife Caroline. He forces Caroline to go with him with the intentions of letting her go once he gets the information he needs. Overcoming her fear of Jack, Caroline refuses to leave, seeing this as an opportunity to escape her own life of lies. This starts a chain reaction of feelings neither of them is prepared for. The Emperor has seriously underestimated Jack’s determination to find answers and is losing control over all the puppets he has in play. As Jack and Caroline come closer and closer to the answers and each other, will they be able to save the President-elect’s life as well as their own, or will a blast from Jack’s past destroy them all?

Posts and Comments
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Hi Kelly I've read your blurb and it is exciting how the plot breeds one plot after another. But I can't help but feel you've given more away than another writer might have. The blurb has become a synopsis. Nothing wrong with that but the reader has been given more than a taster. It's my opinion, that's all. Good luck with your writing.

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Thank you to those who have saved this book to your favorites. I hope you enjoy it.

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Thank you, Laura. The book is for sale either through my website at, or It is available in e-book and paperback. I hope you will order one and finish it up. I have another book coming out soon entitled Haunted Destiny that is a paranormal adventure involving a teenager who learns she can communcate with spirits and how she saves the town rich girl from a... Show more

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Deleted User

This work is absolutely phenomenal! I was absolutely enticed by the compelling story line! I crave more to the story. I hope that you plan to add more onto the story- It has a fantastic, twisting story line that leaves readers on the edge of their seats. Simply wonderful.

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