Moments in Life

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User: Kalai
Moments in Life

Some moments in our life always happen to be an eye-opener. The moments may be a general happening in the day to day life. Yet, it can convey you the message.

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Our moments in life come from our mental thought, bodily reactions and spirit. Mind, Body and Spirit are interlinked to one another. All the three works hand in hand in our everyday life.

The author of 'Seed of 3 Goals, 1 Vision'
Panchal Antonees

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I like what youve written so far but I really think you should try and write a few more short stories for this:)

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I really liked your stories, especially the one about the ice cream. The grubby hand was a great little moment.
In terms of improvement I think you should move away from asking questions near the end because in fiction, especially works so short, you could do more with giving a meaningful sentence that might make the reader think than asking them literally.
All in all, I liked what I read :)

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