The Words of an Angel

User: kyiu101
The Words of an Angel
Clara Wilder is an angel. She exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to protect and preserve the life of her human, Jack. When Jack is captured by the notorious Scabbers, Clara must stop at nothing to save him. If she should fail, the loss of life will not only be her beloved Jack's, but her own.

Entry for the 2012 Young Writers contest.

Angel, Sacrifice, short story, love
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The craziest part about me reading this book is that I'm listening to a song about a girl who sacrificed her self for some one she cared about.

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Very creative story. I like how you used such a dark setting to establish the mood. Very brave and courageous heroine who broke her own rules to save Jack. Great story.

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for our book of the week contest in BetterWriters, but I'm afraid I can't comment because it's in the writer of the year competition. Sorry.

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Juliet, this is one heckofa story! I paid attention as I read to the run of grammatical superlatives in your writing. Darn, I picked up some pointers.
But this...your forest portion in some strange, wonderful way, took me back to The Two Towers, so filled with tension and darkness as it was:) You are not Tolkien, you don't write like he did, but you have his imagination and a clear grasp of story structure, use of language,... Show more

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I am thrilled to say I found your story flawless. I have also read your book, Rain on my Wings and enjoy your writing immensely.

Jack has been taken by the wicked Scabbers, and Clara must rescue him before it’s too late.

Your imagination and wonderful writing allowed me to see Everwood. To feel the thorns as they tore at Clara’s clothing. To travel along side her as she ventured deep in the forest, and was frightened by the... Show more

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Thank you! That seriously means so much coming from you. I am so glad you enjoyed the story, and the cover. I wish I could've written more than just 3,000 words. But especially thank you for the vote.

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