The Kilo Connection

The Kilo Connection

Victor Nance is a Vice Squad cop working out of Gary Indiana.
Shana Gordon is from Chicago and a part of the Juvenile Division.
Henry Clayton is an ex-New York cop turned chief of police of a small Alabama town.
Ordinarily, there would be nothing to bring these three law enforcement officers together.
But Chief Clayton is facing a major crisis. One of his undercover officers was most
likely murdered by a dangerous and wily up and coming drug dealer, T.J Killerbrew.
With no evidence to prove murder, Chief Clayton wants to take Killerbrew down for
anything that would put him behind bars. He’s willing to recruit special assignment talent
to get the job done.
Nance and Shana will ultimately accept the challenge. Their plan of attack is simple.
Make a small buy, and then follow up with a larger one.
Still, complications abound, including Shana’s ambitious, prone to make mistakes
personality ; Nance’s crumbling marriage and growing attraction to Shana.
Killerbrew’s murderous nature, and penchant for sniffing out undercover cops can be
added to the mix.
For Nance and Shana it boils down to a tense game of cat and mouse in which one slip
of the tongue, or false move could have deadly consequences.

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