The poems of the soul

The poems of the soul
These are my old poems, I have written pages and pages of poems. I recently have been writing stories but i'll always be better at writing poetry. I'm hoping to get my poems onto the site soon. But here are some already on my computer.

soul, anguish, despair, happiness, love, hope
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You have written some very interesting, deep, touching, thought provoking and poetry. Your writing is so unique and original.

Life was a good one "All my friends are down by the holy river, Washing their sins away, wanting to do things their way. Tomorrow will be a spitting image of yesterday. and the future wouldn't have come if it weren't for today."


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Deleted User

Very good use of word here. Many of the poems were a little deep for me, but I like that. It gets me thinking. "Eternal friend" and "Perfect Love Song" were actually sweet in a way. I really appreciated "Losing It". Poetry isn't my style of writing, so I don't have much else to add other than that the repetitive titles should be fixed.

Check me out at The Swap Shop- Our Place.

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I especially loved the poem life, the line with the holy river for some reason reminded me of a line from Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress". Your poetry is great and I am definitely going to read anything that you post up in the future.

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It's difficult to read and try to put one's finger on an exact meaning of poems. And so I read poetry (not as often as I should anymore) and see if an image in a particular piece reaches off the page and really grabs me.
I saw quite a few in this collection, John, ie:
The balance of the scales,
evenly distributed,
standing between the final judge,
I make my stand.

and then a bit farther down,

My soul is intact,
wandering... Show more

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because the print is too small for me to read comfortabley., Would be happy to go on if you could make the print larger, I felt of those I was able to get through, were qite turbulent but need to read them easier. Evelyn/Bluedragon

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J.C. Laird

I'm not a big poetry reader, but these seem to be pretty good, several I really liked.

Some of them are a little depressing, some very romantic, others with an interesting slant on the afterlife.

You have a good vocabulary and command of the language; it's definitely time to work on your story writing.

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Life was my favorite. Baring your soul is what poets do it is not always comfortable so I applaud you.

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