Why do you hate me?

Why do you hate me?
This book explains my journey towards peace within myself. I would really appreciate some feedback.

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Brilliant book.

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There are good sides to life you know.
I was abused and my life never seem to be full.
But that was because I refrained from filling it.
Wake up every morning telling yourself that you can an you will!
Great poetry though! I like it!

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thank you to all, i have improved on my poetry and currently trying to have them published. I really appreciate those that took the time to read and understand my emotions present in my words. i wish for all writers the best of writing. Thank YOU

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Hi John,

I understand your work. Raw, unleashed emotion is hard for some people to grasp. I felt a good rythm in some parts of your work but the meter was off just a little. YOU CAN arrive at a place where your raw emotion comes out in a rythm and meter that makes it easier for others to read. Don't change your story though, no matter if a few people thought it was immature. I am a survivor like you, and my inner child writes... Show more

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