Let's Know Islam

Little friends, hopefully better. I'm fine too, Alhamdulillah.

 We are Muslims.  We were born into a Muslim family.  That is why it is important for us to know different aspects of Islam.  The most important asset for any Muslim is faith.  People do not remain Muslims if there are errors in it.  Because disbelief is the opposite of faith.  And faith is truth, and disbelief is falsehood.  The light of faith, the darkness of disbelief.  Faith is beautiful, disbelief is ugly.  Faith is life, disbelief is death.  Faith is good, disbelief is bad.  Faith is the straight path, disbelief is the wrong crooked path.  A true believer can endure all hardships, even death, but cannot give up faith.  To him, faith is greater than anything.  And yes, faith is not just the name of reciting the word of mouth, but the name of accepting all the rules of Islam by heart.  Therefore, a Muslim must be truthful in word and deed.

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