Ted Bundy - The Serial Killer Next Door

User: Glenn1975
Ted Bundy - The Serial Killer Next Door

Ted Bundy is generally regarded to be the third most prolific American serial killer in history. Those who knew Bundy as a young man considered him to be preppy and square. They did not detect any dark heart or evil lurking in the body of Ted Bundy. Yet this is a man who murdered women and children and bludgeoned victims with pipes and crowbars. A man who shot and stabbed people and sexually abused the corpses of his victims. This is a man who would leave his victims covered in bite marks and then saw off their heads.


By any standards this was an evil and ruthless man. And yet Bundy didn't look like a serial killer at all. He seemed alarmingly normal and kind to those who knew him. How was Bundy able to fool so many people and hide his true nature from them? Who exactly was Ted Bundy and why are we still fascinated by his harrowing story?

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