Getting Your Stuff Together

Making your way in a confusing world By:
User: fortoggie
Getting Your Stuff Together
Although I have spent the last 40 years running a business I have also spent a lot of time working with young people trying to help them make their way in the world. That has included going before judges and bailing several out of jail.
It also has meant spending hundreds of hours counselling different ones and trying to get their life on track.
If you are a successful type A individual this book is probably not for you. At the same time I'm guessing that you know two or more people who need the advice found in this small book. I encourage you to print it off and share it with someone who is struggling and seems to keep falling back, making the same mistakes over and over again. If you are working with young people in some capacity then to print off and/or copy several copies and place in a room where they meet could make a positive difference in their lives.
Many adults that I talk to have some very harsh attitudes toward the modern entry level worker, not being aware of how much the job situation and the world in general has changed over the last forty years. Hollywood and TV hasn't helped and the fact that 12 to 15 percent of the present work force isn't needed makes breaking into our new world in a way that provides dignity and self esteem is more difficult than ever.
Read the book and see if it might be of help to someone you know.

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A very interesting book with a fresh open quality to it that makes it both interesting and easy to follow. Absolute minimum of technical problems in the text. Well worth a close read and I do believe a re-read as well. Thanks you for your kind words of advice, Jim.

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