Jennifer is Missing

User: jetski
Jennifer is Missing
Your wife is missing,the neighbors are asking questions, you can't go to the police, they'll charge you with murder one!

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La Grande, OR

""Criticizing"" and ""urging"" Trump not to do something is not going to get
you anything except a Twitter-storm of criticism. Power is what he knows. If
only you actually threatened Trump with Congressional action...


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Wow, nice going! Without a doubt, this story has one of the most original missing person cases I've ever seen. It was as suspenseful as Alfred Hitchcock or Ray Bradbury tales, even the Twilight Zone. It has an otherwordly feel to it. I also love the twist at the end, being a thriller and mystery lover myself. Hats off to you!

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A job well done. A good lead into more, if there is more.

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Short and sweet. I liked that. It is the perfect intro into a story about his baby. What happens later? Do they run into each other? Could he possibly track her down? What does he do for a living? How did he meet his mysterious wife?
If this is an opening chapter, it would be great. Otherwise, I would have to agree with Marc. You could flesh this story out as well. Give us glimpses of dates, or picnics or outings laced with... Show more

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Just a little story not a book. But thanks for the intel. God bless.

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