Well Adjusted...An Excerpt

The Bikini Incident By:
Well Adjusted...An Excerpt
This darkly funny tale is an excerpt from "Well Adjusted..." which is currently a work in progress.

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B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-jennifer-cannon-well-adjusted-an-excerpt

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Hi, Laz: Thanks for reading! This was all the way over the top, 'round the bend, bordering on Mommy Dearest-like strictness :) And because of it I have got some very intersting tales to tell.

Thanks also for the star! Lucky me!

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B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?jencannpro_1284514463.5712609291

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Funny, sometimes I wish my parents were stricter, but nor strict as Lulu...lol
I'll read the next part soon.

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I might've expected that a decade or two earlier -- pretty whack in the early 80's!

1 Comment

Thanks for reading Scott! I am still friends with "Lisa" today and we have some good laughs remembering those times. Lot's of work to do on this and am considering turning it into a work of fiction vs. memoir "to protect the innocent" (wink, wink)...

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