The Benefits of Pomegranate Leaf (Punica Granatum) from Paradise For Body Healing English Edition

The Benefits of Pomegranate Leaf (Punica Granatum) from Paradise For Body Healing English Edition

The Benefits of Pomegranate Leaf (Punica Granatum) From Paradise For Body Healing English Edition Ebook Version

Pomegranates probably made their original journey from their native country of Iran to the US with early Spanish explorers. The attractive, vase-shaped shrubs and small trees produce fragrant, brilliant blossoms in bursts of bloom throughout spring and summer, as well as sweet-tart fruits in late summer and fall. However, you might not have given the leaves much thought.

The scientific name of the pomegranate plant is Punica granatum, which is known for its delicious and medicinal fruits. The leaves of the pomegranate plant are small and smooth and also have medicinal properties. Every part derived from pomegranate plant can be used medicinally whether it is pomegranate leaves, flowers, fruit, peels or bark etc. Do you know that pomegranate leaves are used to treat jaundice, diarrhoea, stomach pain and insomnia.

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