Death And Afterlife Revealed

How To Exit This Matrix By:
Death And Afterlife Revealed

What happens when you die?
The soul is immortal, only the ego dies.
Death is just the beginning of a new life.
Death is a temporary torment, life is just an illusion,Like a virtual 3D video game.
Then why are we afraid of life or death?
Because fascination binds us.
The material world enslaves us.
People leave the world, the memory remains.
Everything is temporary except unconditional love.

There is no God sitting in the sky who will punish you. Your Karma are enough to reward and punish you.
Death is just a transition from one life to another, you are going to the other side of the screen to change clothes and come again.In this book Philosopher Jamie philips and Estazabul Suzan Explained the death and afterlife in detail.You can also know how christ consciousness got corrupted from its ancient roots.This book is for those who want to know the truth. So let's take the Red Pill, and we'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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