Falling for the Fallen

User: becandjay
Falling for the Fallen
Riley Turner was sick of the horrible life she had at home and ran away to a boarding school. Not only do to teachers seem to hate her, but she was kissed in public by a popular,good looking guy on her first day! She learns that the guy who embarrassed her on her first day by kissing her is a childhood friend. She literally walks in on his biggest secret...

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Update!!!!!!! I'm begging you and like Romantic Writer said, I DON'T beg either

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Deleted User

Please write more I need to no what happens please update do leave me a freaking cliff hanger I'm begging you write more and I don't beg

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Deleted User

Please keep writing it's such a good book! :D

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please finish I was getting so into it and then it just stopped, I was sad!!!

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Its little disapointing to read it unfinished. Would love to read the entire story soon. Good piece :)

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