Verses for the Heart

User: jacki137
Verses for the Heart
Within the pages of this book you will find a collection of love inspired poetry written specifically for and from the heart.

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Your poetry is beautiful and awe-inspiring Jack. I have always wished to pen some wonderful sonnet and maybe someday it will come to pass. But until then, I can read your lines and enjoy the beauty of your work.

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Very nicely done. "Time is a Healer, A Teacher, A Friend was my favorite.

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Beautiful and inspirational touches for the heart and mind. I definitely will read these again and again.

Excellent writing!

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This is a beautiful collction of poems that shows why Love is at the heart of all poetry.

Once again I am left breathless by your ability to craft such incedible images of love.

Your poems let the reader feel the joy, pain, heartbreak and hope that anyone who has ever truly been in love has experienced.

It reaffirms my declaration that you are one of the best poets I have ever encountered... period.

Put it up for sale and I'll... Show more

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I'm half way through reading. All these poems are so heartfelt and favorite so far is,

'I need only close my eyes'.

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Magnifique! I love the poetry. My favorite one was of 'Time is a Healer, a Teacher, a Friend'

What is in the poem is so true. Monsieur, you are a true poet.

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This was beautiful. I'm a huge fan of writing and reading poetry and so reading your work was a real treat. And though I enjoyed the majority of these poems, my favorite one had to be "A simple beam of light".

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I’m afraid that I am not an expert on poetry either. I like things that rhyme and tell a story, without having to think. These are beautiful, a wonderful collection that touch the soul, and inspire. You have given us your heart, and now you have a heart from me.

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