The Fairy and the Gryphon

User: jacki137
The Fairy and the Gryphon
Friendship is something that most of us take for granted, but sometimes it takes a lot of courage to enter into a friendship and make it last.

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A refreshing tale with a moral. I like it!

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not very convincing book about the gryphon and the fairy but it still a good book but i wont let that stop you

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Wonderful and tender story of friendship! This one is definitely one of my favorites!

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Deleted User

I'm don't usually read fairy tales or books similar to that, but I like reading books with a message or a lesson to be learned. I was scimming through books and your's was the first to grab my attention. so far so good. I apologize if I dont have any advice for corrections. I'm getting started myself so I don't feel it would be my place to do that. But great job.

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