Never Too Late

Never Too Late
Ten year old Madeline wondered why her Grandpa sat on the beach every day gazing out to sea. Family and neighbors suspected dementia, but Grandpa finally shared his secret with Maddie....

Posts and Comments
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Nice book to read... this took me to younger days...

I was having oreo cookies and milk for 'desert' - i think its dessert.

sorry! i'm not nitpicking. found this while reading.

J.C. Laird

Glad you liked it, and thanks for catching the dessert error. I'll have to fix that little snafu.


cheers! i loved it...

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red doll

This book really is a masterpiece. It's simplicity makes it more beautiful

1 Comment
J.C. Laird

Thank you for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Important Post

I can only wonder what kind reveries surfaced as he gazed into the ocean...was it missing a loved one,...suicide...or he just wanted to swim! I think I'll find out what happened in this intriguing story.

1 Comment
J.C. Laird

I certainly hope you enjoy discovering what happened and why!

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Ariana Suzanne

This was a lovely contrast of youth and age, and it blended beautifully. You have a beautiful touch!

J.C. Laird

Thank you so much, Ana. I'm glad you enjoyed and appreciated it.

Ariana Suzanne

You're welcome!

Important Post

As usual, you bring joy to the reader. This was a charming story told through the eyes of a young girl. I wish you the very best with your contest. You are always a winner.

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J.C. Laird

Thank you, Val. Your support and comments always mean a lot to me.

Important Post

Amazing short story, John. I don't always have the time to sit and read as much as I like, but I try to make time for one of your shorts! I'm never disappointed. You did such a great job with this one. All the best to you in the contest. There's no rust on you.

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J.C. Laird

Thanks Michelle, I always appreciate your votes of confidence; it means I'm doing something right.

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Deleted User

That was excellent. Tender and well-written, and you do a good job of using the voice of a child. You haven't lost your short-story touch at all. :)

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J.C. Laird

Thanks Mary, positive comments from writers like you carry a lot of weight and mean a lot.

Important Post

An heart-felt story of love & hope. Thanks for sharing, John.

I truly wish you the very best with the contest.

1 Comment
J.C. Laird

Thanks for the positive comments; helps with the incentive to keep pounding the keyboards.

Important Post

Rust? I don't see no stinkin' rust...holy cow, John, this is perfect! A brilliant gem without a single flaw. The length was perfect, the progress of the story engaging (and perfect), the perspective - everything about this makes it one of the most wonderful (and perfect) short stories I've read in a long, long time. Best of luck with the magazine - the editors would be insane not to print this! Thank you for giving me such a... Show more

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J.C. Laird

And thank you for giving me such a beautiful start to my day (as I sit grinning and blushing). Your comments have made my day. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go back and reread my story! Now, if only everybody thought like you....

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