A to Z India - Magazine: July 2022

A to Z India - Magazine: July 2022

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: “FESTIVAL OF SACRIFICE” OR BAKRI EID - In India, Bakri Eid will be celebrated on July 10th. This Eid falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, which is the pilgrimage month for Muslims across the world. The day marks the end of the annual Hajj Pilgrimage, which is also called Eid Qurban. Eid al-Adha or Bakri Eid is the second most important festival in Islam. It is also called Festival of Sacrifice. Happy Bakra Eid 2022!!!; THE CULT OF THE DASNAMI NAGA SANYASIS - The Dashnami Sampradaya is perhaps the most powerful monastic order, which has played a great part in the history of India.

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