The Tortoise visits the City in the Sky

or, Greed Goes Before A Fall By:
User: tarhe
The Tortoise visits the City in the Sky

The Tortoise is the most popular character of all the varied characters that abound in the folklore of the Nigerian peoples. The exploits of the Tortoise, whether in all-animal stories or in stories that have an animal-human mix, are without compare in all of the folklore that originates from The Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Indeed, in all of Nigerian folklore, there may be as many Tortoise stories as there are all other stories combined. In different circumstances, the Tortoise is associated with wisdom, selfishness, just low cunning or, even, kindness.


In this adventure, our hero pays a visit to a fabulous city in the Sky in company of the avian folk but things don't work out quite in the way that he might have expected.

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