Trail of Tears

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Trail of Tears
Snowdrop and many other indian tribes are forced out of their homes by the Indian Removal Act. Some fight back and others follow along. Many get sick and die. Will Snowdrop and her tribe make it? Or will they all die along the way?

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Hello. ︀How ︀are ︀you? ︀I ︀need ︀a ︀friend, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-imagine-trail-of-tears

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Trail of Tears

You have some beautiful images of the sky and landscape as seen through Snowdrop's eyes. Your 1st pov is lovely and perfect in this story. Intimate and very personal. Beyond the power of the (unfinished?) story, much of your sentence structure in the narrative sings! Single lines as paragraphs; this is nice, nice writing technique. I would "counsel" you to proof read it one more time for any grammatical oopses,... Show more


Okay, Thank you for reading it! :P

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Hello. ︀How ︀are ︀you? ︀I ︀need ︀a ︀friend, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?jmfefb871f26515_1364602743.0538260937

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Naw! No more?
I liked this! There were a few mistakes, such as typos, misspells and misplaced words. But other than that, this was a fun read! If you just read over it and fix all the little mistakes, added some more description- like the scenery around Snowdrop, appearances ect.- then this'd be greater! I always like good description. A nice picture of everything in my head is always a good thing, in my opinion.
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There will be more but, I just got lazy... sorry... :P
Some of the words are meant to be misspelled BTW but, I will read it over and stuff.

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I really like your book here :)

I do have one little crit; the story moves WAY fast. I don't quite get a sense of how Snowdrop's feeling, because there's so much going on. Spend a little more time describing her emotions and the setting. That would be my advice.

Anyway, I thought the beginning of your story was wonderful!! Keep writing; you're good! Have a good day.

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Great beginning. I just finished up a unit on this in Social Studies class, and it was nice to read. My only suggestion is to break your prologue-type thing into more than one paragraph. It's a lot easier to read. You just earned yourself your first heart!


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YAY!! Thank You!! and yeah..I just finished the unit too. My teacher had us right a story on it...So, I decided to write a book.

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