Happy Valentine`s Day...

User: hazem02
Happy Valentine`s Day...
Happy Valentine`s Day...


let me wake up my dreams,...

on your eyes` smile,...

and to sip your lips` nectars,..

with every morning,...

while i`m drinking my swarthy coffee,...

to start my day...

this sweet day...

this valentine`s day...

with a word , love you...

to wish you a happy Valentine`s day...


seconds passed...

days passed...

months passed...

and now another year comes...

comes and you still a love...

the love which we both created...

created one from the other...

that never changed...

still that love which we both irrigated from our hearts...


years passed...

and another new year comes...

while we still, the most amazing couples...

amazing lovers whom still loving each others....

with no stop...

with no enough...

endless love lasts forever...

my sweet Valentine girl...

years passed...

and still i am ,as you knew me...

hazem whom you knew...

born between your eyes...

raised into your pure heart...

and educated a love from you...

happiness and peace ...

gave me and brought it to me...

through those years...

my sweetheart...

on your voice i wake up...

on your whispers i sleep my nights...

and there into my dream, we meet...

meet to give more perfect sweet love...

meet to make an especial love...

there where we could always...

wishing each others...

a happy Valentine`s days...

happy Valentine`s day my only sweet love...


By hazem02


wish you a happiness through this lovely day..
Happy Valenyine`s Day..

© 2010 hazem02 (All rights reserved)

hazem Al...

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