Aya's Reach

Aya's Reach

Aya, the Sumerian goddess of dawn, youth and fertility, has lived with her consort, Samas, for thousands of years. 


Now it is the 21st century, and unlike the ancient civilisations, none worship the gods. 

Sent down by Anu with Enki, the creator of humanity and the god of male sexuality, to persuade the people of the gods power, they must travel through America to make the magic of the gods known once more. 


But her consort is the overseer of the day, god of justice, and how can she keep her budding relationship with Enki a secret. 


Not only is it a struggle to prove their powers to man, but her sister-in-law, Ereshkigal, will stop at nothing to protect her underworld from the humans who killed her husband, even if it means killing her family. 


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