From the Flames

From the Flames
I looked up at my burning house. My little sister, Jamie looked down at me from our shared bedroom window. Jamie slammed on the glass and screamed for help. I looked into Jamie's eyes and saw the fear there, I could hear my little sisters screams and pleas for help even over the sirens and the roar of the fire. my parents were already gone, I knew this because when I'd tried to wake them up and tell them about the fire they wouldn't move. As I thought about this my eyes filled with tears, I wanted to stay with my mommy forever, leaving mommy felt like abandonment but I knew I had to go back for Jamie. Mommy would want me to protect Jamie.

fire, fiction, short story, sister
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Important Post

Haha really? thats not even my best book, I actually found this one kinda boring. check out my other two books, Reborn, whick is a novel I`m working on with only the first two chapters posted and Queen a finished short story I did a little while back. I`m glad you liked my book that means alot to me :)

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