Struggle for Survival

Giving up hope would always lead to darkness By:
User: H M
Struggle for Survival
This book is about two people struggling in a world full of magic and demons with two different purposes.

The first is Raiden who is destined for greatness through knowledge, as he always tries to move forward with a positive motivation of making the world a better place to live in. While Dante would fight through all hardships to regain what he has lost by someone who is impossible to reach.

Driven by vengeance and fury, Dante seeks Raiden’s help to get back what he lost using Raiden’s knowledge.

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Don't think that I didn't like it, its good for a first draft. You wanted feedback, so I gave some.

Important Post

Its good for a start, but there are many issues with it.
1. In an age full of magic, wizards, witches, and demons there were a hidden city. This should be: In an age full of magic, wizards, witches and demons there was a hidden city. The difference is between singular and plural.
2.Buildings in that city were carved in stone made of heavy, strong and durable materials only powerful beasts are able to break. This should be... Show more

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