Daughter Nature

Daughter Nature

My name is Abilene Aires. I am 16 years old. And I can control the weather.

My mom, Beverly, is THE Mother Nature. 19 and a half years ago, she found out that when she reached the age of 60, her powers wouldn't be in control anymore and the Earth's weather would turn into chaos.
So, then she had me.
Well, technically, she had my older brother, Ken, first, and THEN me, but he doesn't control nature. No. He sees the future.
So, we're a "Freak of Nature" family. Literally. But we don't get into trouble, my brother and me. If we do, we get lightning bolts thrust at our butts.

PS. please give feedback! I'm dying to know how my first book is :)

Posts and Comments
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Deleted User

Very creative, I'm impressed

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Leandra A

I have to agree with Judy this is a unique story keep it up girl, hope I'll be able to finish this one soon as well :)

H. Elizabeth

Thank you so much! It means a lot! :)

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What a wonderful beginning of what I believe will be a fabulous, unique story! I can tell you had a lot of fun writing this, and because you've made the characters so real, they're very real to you.

I know this is the beginning, so I'm sure you'll be doing some deep edits later. There are problems with tense, grammar, paragraph formatting and one or two minor spelling errors, but for the most part, this is very well-written.... Show more

H. Elizabeth

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :)


Well, I didn't read this when you put it up back in 2012, but I'm glad I finally found it.
Did you revise following Judy's comments? I was very impressed with what I read.

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H. Elizabeth

Thanks, @snowmassgirl ! I'm uploading some more soon :) school is a pain in the butt.

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Deleted User

I likey. Can't wait for more!!!

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